EMT 927
In our days it's something special to see an EMT 927 or even to own one. Withall the sound was not the main theme when developing the unit. At EMT not the sound was in the foreground, but neutrality. Technically pronounced: No "manipulation" of the audio signal. Neither in an electrical way by the equalizer amplifier nor in a mechanical way during playback of a record.
Not only was the large platter made to keep W&F parameters in small limits, there were also pratical reasons: The large records which contained complete broadcastings at the BFBS e.g. could played on the EMT 927 without any limitations. The master cuts and all steps between on the way to manufature the records had enough space on the unit. So EMT 927 was liked to be used in recording companies. For the "small" turntables of EMT the rest bank had to be modified to make large diameters fit on their platters.
As options and special versions there was the optical groove indication, showing the tone arms position above the record, an immersible middle axle to allow a better centering of records and also a second lift for a second tone arm.
Today the advantage of the EMT 927 is the long tone arm, while the request for mounting a long arm on other EMT turntables normally has to be negated.
Of course it is also valid for the EMT 927 that the motor and auxiliary platter have been made for a special mains frequency. That means the motor will be misaligned when driven by a deviating frequency (for example to avoid the fine tuning felt brake, which has a proven influence on W&F).
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